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29 Apr, 12.00 PM - 1.00 PM

How do we go from the what the client wants to accomplish in a session to the whole person of the client? How do we go deeper with our clients? Deep Inner Work is about going from the 'What' to the 'Who', in the coaching conversation. As we help our clients gain deeper awareness of who they are in the situation, there comes clarity and alignment with what their beliefs and values that will propel them forward to achieve their performance and results. Deep Inner Work explores the energy shifts in client, allows the coach to exhibit curiosity with the intent to learn more and creates powerful empathy and responsiveness in the moment with the client. In the session we will share the practical tools to create the deep coaching conversations with your clients, create masterful presence that will inspire change and lasting results.


4 Key Learning Takeaways

  • Coaches will learn how to take a client from 'What' to the 'Who'.

  • Coaches will discover the art of deep coaching to help their clients go further than they thought possible

  • Coaches will apply practical tools to create deep coaching conversation

  • Coaches will experience a deeper level of coaching conversation

Webinar : Power of Deep Inner Work Coaching: ScheduleItem
Jedidiah Alex Koh.png


 C-Suite Executive and Team Leadership Coach

Jedidiah is a highly sought-after International Deep Inner Work Coach. He believes that coaching is the key to creating positive and impactful change in people. Having coached clients from around the world, he found that coaching was a key enabler in driving peak performance and creating results. Being a mentor coach to coaches around the world, he constantly seeks to improve his coaching practice and founded Coaching Changes Lives to provide world class coach training and network to empower coaches. He also founded Deep Coaching Institute to provide a platform for coaches to go deeper in their coaching competencies.

He developed the C.O.A.C.H coaching framework built upon the core competencies of coaching to empower coaches with coaching strategies to create breakthroughs for their clients. His coaching process focuses on helping clients gain deeper awareness and clarity, create solutioning, establish progress and accountability, and generate the results the client desires. His experience in both the public and private sector has helped him impact clients across various industries. Today, he is sought after by coaches, executives, leaders and global influencers to scale their practice and create masterful conversation.

Webinar : Power of Deep Inner Work Coaching: Speakers
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