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11 May 2018, 2 - 5.30pm,

Engaging Humanity Through Education

Imagine every ICF Chapter connected through the positive impact of coaching. The spark of light to ignite humanity! When we share the power of coaching with our world, we have the power to ignite our local communities to spark a global impact.


The ICF Foundation is pleased to introduce a new initiative as the beginning of a long-term strategy to advance social progress through coaching, everywhere in the world. Our goal is to support organizations around the world who are working on the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.


In our inaugural year, we will focus on education—ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all.

We are so delighted to be supported by Youth Work Association Singapore (YWAS) as a partner in launching our Ignite initiative in Singapore!

Session Full!

For more details, please email

Achieve Breakthroughs in Youth
Work through Coaching

Dr. John Tan

President, Youth Work Association Singapore

Discover how personal coaching empowers youth workers to achieve breakthroughs in their practice. Glean practical tips on how to enhance personal effectiveness and thus boost positive impact with youths.

Breakout workshop for personal growth offered by
our team of professional coaches

Tan Hun Boon 

Coaching Psychologist,

ICF Associate Certified Coach

Most people understand the importance of managing our careers but how many of you actually have a career plan? This session helps you understand your past career choices, know your present work situation, and clarify options for our future progression.

Chan Suit Fong

Executive Coach



You may have preconceived ideas of what you think a coach can do for you or what coaching entails. You are wondering what is professional coaching. Join us for a Live Demonstration of a Pre-Coaching Discovery Session and have your questions answered.

Daniel Yeo

Mindset Shift Strategist

ICF Associate Certified Coach


Learn two most important things that will increase team performance. Find out what is preventing people from feeling engaged. Get clarity of one blind spot of leaders. Discover what drives our behavior. Find out the four myths of mindfulness practice and its application. Learn two strategies in engaging people.

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